Episode 12

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校内放送で有希に後れを取ったアーリャは、終業式での生徒会役員あいさつに向けて練習をし始める。終業式という全校生徒が集まる場で行われる生徒会役員あいさつは、実質的に生徒会長選挙の立候補者演説と同義。緊張が止まらないアーリャに、政近はある秘策を授ける。そして終業式が始まり、生徒会役員あいさつがスタート。有希と綾乃が堂々としたスピーチをこなした後、遂にアーリャが演台へと上がって……。 After falling behind Yuki during the school broadcast, Alya begins practicing for the student council officers' speech at the closing ceremony. This speech, delivered in front of the entire school, is practically the same as a candidate’s speech for the student council president election. As Alya struggles with her nerves, Masachika gives her a secret tip. Finally, the closing ceremony starts, and the student council officers deliver their speeches. After Yuki and Ayano finish their confident speeches, it’s Alya’s turn to step up to the podium…


脚本/絵コンテ/演出 Scenario / Storyboard / Direction
伊藤良太 Ryota Ito
総作画監督 Chief Animation Director
室田雄平/渥美智也/迫 由里香/熊谷勝弘 Yuhei Murota/Tomoya Atsumi/Yurika Sako/Katsuhiro Kumagai
作画監督 Animation Director
Pou/Takeshi Osame/Zin Nakazono/Mariko Kubo/Kazusa Nakao/Maziro/Masato Katsumata/Osashimimaru/Bunyama/SABA/Shiniri/tenbin/Yubi