Episode 8

学生議会 The Student Council Assembly

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かつて有希と生徒会長の座を争った谷山沙也加が、アーリャと政近が有希と戦うことに対して、異議を申し立ててきた。更には、アーリャと政近を生徒会長選挙の出馬候補から引きずり下ろそうと、沙也加は二人へ討論会を申し込む。討論会の議題は、「生徒会加入における教師の査定の導入」。ここで負けては、生徒会長への道が閉ざされてしまう。二人は相手の戦法を推理しながら、勝てる策を練っていく。そして、討論会当日。勝利の行方は――⁉ Sayaka Taniyama, who once competed for the position of student council president against Yuki, raised an objection to Alya and Masachika about challenging Yuki. Furthermore, Sayaka asks Alya and Masachika for a debate in an attempt to remove them from the list of candidates for the student council president election. The debate topic is “The Introduction of Teachers’ Evaluation for Student Council Membership”. Losing here would mean the closure of the path to becoming the student council president. Alya and Masachika plan to win the debate, while deducing their opponent's tactics. And then, on the day of the debate, the outcome of their victory is—!?


脚本 Scenario
千葉美鈴 Misuzu Chiba
絵コンテ Storyboard
伊藤良太 Ryota Ito
演出 Direction
西邑大輔/藤田星平 Daisuke Nishimura, Shohei Fujita
総作画監督 Chief Animation Director
室田 雄平/渥美 智也 Yuhei Murota/Tomoya Atsumi
作画監督 Animation Director
熊谷勝弘/鈴木水彩/板倉建/磯本雅大/澁谷健太郎/金慧秀/齋藤魁/まじろ/勝又 聖人/おさしみ丸/ぶんやま/さば/新入り Katsuhiro Kumagai/Misa Suzuki/Ken Itakura/Masahiro Isomoto/Kenntaro Shibuya/Kim Hye-soo/Suguru Saito/Maziro/Masato Katsumata/Osashimimaru/bunyama/SABA/Shiniri