マリヤ・ミハイロヴナ・九条(マーシャ) Mariya Mikhailovna Kujou
Yukiyo Fujii
アーリャの一つ年上の姉で、生徒会では書記を担当。 類稀なるプロポーションと優しげな美貌から学園内での人気が高く、付いた異名は「学園の聖母」。 ただ彼氏持ちらしく、マーシャに告白した男子はすべてそのことを理由に玉砕しているとか。
Alya’s older sister and secretary of the school council. Her exceptional proportions and gentle good looks have made her extremely popular at school, and she has been nicknamed the "Holy Mother of the School.” She allegedly has a boyfriend and all of the boys who have confessed their feelings to Masha have been turned down because of his existence.