更科茅咲 Chisaki Sarashina
Maki Kawase
元風紀委員であり、女子剣道部では大将を務める、生徒会の武闘派副会長。マーシャと並んで二年生の二大美女と呼ばれており、通称は「学園の征母 」。その二つ名に違わず、多くの生徒に「絶対に怒らせてはいけない人」と認識されており、その剛腕(物理)で恋人である統也の生徒会運営を支えている。なお、書類仕事などの実務面はお察し。
A former member of the public morals committee and the general of the women's kendo club, she is the martial arts vice president of the student council. Along with Masha, she is known as one of the two most beautiful girls in the second grade, and is also known as "Conquering Mother of the School". True to her nickname, she is recognized by many students as "someone who should never be offended," and she supports her boyfriend,Touya, in running the student council with her strong arms (physics). However, she is not so good at paperwork and other practical work.